

Industry Spotlight

The future is emerging... find your place in it!

For its tenth birthday, our Emerging Markets program is getting a rebrand. After ten years we are excited to reintroduce our program with a new name: Industry Spotlight! Through this newly reimagined program we are widening our scope to remain relevant to current student interest. Though we have a new name and a more expansive focus, we will continue to deliver timely content designed to empower students in the exploration of future career paths. Check out Industry Spotlight to learn about the latest trends, careers in the field, potential employers, and job opportunities. Funding for this program is provided by Student Success Fees.

Latest Emerging Markets

3D Printing

Food and Society

Debunking Data

Environmental Careers in Government

User Interface and User Experience

Working for a Cause: Large Nonprofits

Previously Highlighted

Sharing Economy

Artificial Intelligence & Robotics


Bioprocessing and Manufacturing

Data Analytics

Data Visualization and Digital Storytelling




Fighting Fake News


Financing the Future of Entrepreneurship


Food: Business


Food: Culture


Food: Safety

Food: Sustainability and Security

Green Careers - Attainable Jobs in Environmental Sustainability

Healthy Design


How Technology Affects the Modern Human Experience


Internet of Things


Physical & Mental Optimization


Real Estate and Property Development


Social Entrepreneurship


Sustainable Structures

The Future of Genetics


Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Virtual Reality

Water: Accessibility and Equality

Water: Purification


Water: Sustainability

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