Many Cal Poly students lack the resources they need to be successful. To support our students, Career Services maintains a Clothing Closet to provide students with free, high-quality work clothes to create a memorable first impression at career fairs and interviews.
For Students: Accessing the Closet
To support you in dressing for success, Career Services has collected new and gently-used professional clothing and shoes from the campus and community. Clothing is free, available to all students, and does not need to be returned. Chest binders are also available to borrow from the closet. To access the Clothing Closet:
- Drop-in: Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:00pm
- Location: Building 124, Front Office
For the Community: Year-Round Clothing Donation
Drop off your contemporary style, clean professional clothing for our Professional Clothing Closet. Need help deciding what to donate? Please use this guide:
- Modern style for young professionals. Ask yourself, "Is this attire appropriate for an interview?"
- Gently used, no stains.
- Smoke free.
- Dry cleaned/cleaned.
Ways To Donate:
- Drop off clothing anytime Monday-Friday from 9am to 4pm at Career Services, Building 124 on Cal Poly's campus.
- Mail to:
Career Services
Attn: Clothing Closet
1 Grand Ave., San Luis Obispo, CA 93407
Student Testimonials
“[In regards to the Clothing Closet,] I'm going to be wearing these clothes at the Career Fair next week.”
- Andrew Ochoa, Aersospace Engineering
“Me too, because I didn't have a single item of professional clothing.”
- Jack Maughan, Manufacturing Engineering