Career Services provides services to all members of the Mustang family. We openly engage all of those who are a part of our community and the diversity represented. We encourage you to explore how organizations value attracting diverse students in order to build an inclusive culture with diverse perspectives. Below are resources that you can use to learn more! To learn more about our commitment to our DEI value, please see our Career Services DEI Commitment 1-Sheet.
General Career Resources
- Multicultural Workplace Competencies - A document created by Career Services' staff highlighting workplace diversity competencies and action items for becoming more culturally competent.
- Jobs with Employers Committed to Diversity
- Insight Into Diversity - Successfully connects employers to the most highly qualified individuals regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, medical condition or history, veteran status, gender identity or expression, and sexual orientation.
African American/Black
Cal Poly Organizations
Professional Organizations
Career Resources
- The Black Collegian - The Career and Job Site for African American College Students
Cal Poly Student Organizations
- Chinese Students’ Association
- Thai Vietnamese Student Association
- Pilipino Cultural Exchange
- Japanese Student Association
- Korean American Student Association
- Indian Student Association
Career Resources
Professional Associations
DACA and AB540/Undocumented Students
Cal Poly Resources
Career Resources
- DACA and Your Workplace Rights
- DACA Guide for Employers
- Immigrants Rising
- Free confidential online legal assistance for undocumented students by E4FC
- Pre-Health Dreamers - Provides support to undocumented students who are pursuing careers in health and science
International Students
Cal Poly Student Organizations
Career Resources
- The U.S. Job Search for International Students – great general information from the University of Pennsylvania Career Services
- GoinGlobal – access through MustangJobs, available in the My Apps section of your Cal Poly Portal. Log in to MustanJOBS, click on Career Services, and then go to Resource Library to find GoinGlobal. Includes a database of employers who have sponsored H1B visas for every state and job search information for other countries as well
- F-1 Employment & J-1 Employment - Work authorization information from Cal Poly International Center
- - Visa job information portal and online community.
Cal Poly Student Organizations
- Latinos in Agriculture
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
- Latinos for Academic Design Advancement (LADA) - email
Career Resources
Campus Resources
Before You Apply
Evaluating Company Culture - Searching for Inclusive Employers:
Out or Not? - Decisions about Coming Out During the Job/Internship Process:
- Out In the Workplace
- University of Pennsylvania LGBTQIA+ Career Resources
- Columbia University LGBTQIA+ Career Resources
Non-Discrimination Policies, Laws, Regulations, Health Coverage and Protections for LGBTQIA+ employees:
- Human Rights Campaign State by State Map
- Additional information on California
- Corporate Equality Index
- Movement Advancement Project
LGBTQIA+ Job Search Resources and Professional Support
Regional Support Groups and Industry Associations
- Division 44 (APA)
- GL Medical Association (healthcare professionals)
- Entrepreneurship Resources
- LGBT Veterinarians
- Pride at Work (AFL-CIO)
- Reaching Out MBA
- StartOUT (entrepreneurs)
Mature Workers
- AARP Working Options Article
- Mature Workers Resources - includes job sites
Students with Disabilities
Cal Poly Resources
- Disability Disclosure Worksheet
- Cal Poly Disability Resource Center
- Connections
- Disability Faculty Staff Association (DFSA)
Local Resources
- Central Coast Assistive Technology Center solves challenges in employment, lifelong learning, productivity and independent living through the provision of assistive technology services and ergonomic training.
- Disability Rights California works to advance the rights of Californians with disabilities.
- Runabout Paratransit Service offers county-wide ADA paratransit services. Please contact the Disability Resource Center at 805-756-1395 for additional information.
- San Luis Obispo County Behavioral Health offers compassionate behavioral health treatment services for our county’s youth, adults, and senior citizens and help with family, personal, or psychiatric issues, with clinics located in the North County, South County, and in San Luis Obispo.
- SLO Access for All
- United Cerebral Palsy of SLO
- Wheelchair Rider’s Guide to the California Coast
Additional Career Resources
- Job Applicants and the ADA: This document addresses common questions about how the ADA protects applicants with disabilities.
- AbilityJobs
- American Association of People with Disabilities
- California Department of Rehabilitation - Support for job seekers with disabilities
- Entry Point Project of the American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science - Matches University students who have disabilities with paid summer internships in high-tech industry, NASA, and other companies and government agencies.
- Equal Opportunities Publications, Inc.
- Job Accommodation Network
- Ticket to Work - Employment Support for People with Disabilities
- U.S. Department of Justice - ADA Home Page
- U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
- U.S. Department of Labor - Disability Resources
- Workforce Recruitment Program for College Students with Disabilities
The Veterans Success Center at Cal Poly is a central hub of information and support for Cal Poly students who are veterans, service members and/or military dependent students.
Job Resources for Veterans
- State of California Employment Development Department
- Feds Hire Vets
- Recruit Military
- U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs: VA Jobs
Other Career Resources for Veterans
Military to Civilian Skills Translator by O*Net Online: Military Crosswalk Search
Use this resource to help you identify skills, knowledge, and abilities gained from your military experience by looking at your Military Occupational Classification (MOC).
Military to Civilian Resume Sample for Student Veterans
Look at this resume sample to see how the military information is presented on a Cal Poly student’s resume.
Professional Associations
Networking through Veterans Groups in LinkedIn
Networking is the most effective way to land an internship or job. Use this resource to build your professional network and build relationships with other veterans who may be able to assist you in your internship or job search or career exploration.
Womxn-Identified Students
Cal Poly Student Organizations
- The Gender Equity Center
- Sigma Alpha- professional agricultural sorority that promotes scholarship, leadership, fellowship, and service among its members.
- Alpha Omega Epsilon- Sorority for Women in Engineering- contact:
- Cal Poly Society of Women Engineers
- Women in Physics
- Women Involved in Software and Hardware (WISH)