Want to know the secret to standing out to a prospective employer? Our Career and Life Success model breaks down what employers want into six themes. Two that will really matter in all aspects of your future career, Diversity & Inclusion and Emotional Intelligence, are integrated throughout the four themes below. 


Click on each theme to discover how you can stand out!

The belief that you can improve upon your abilities and change your perception of success through practice, effort, and continuous learning.

  • Failure and resilience

  • Adaptability and flexibility

  • Curiosity and creativity

Relationship Management

An ability to develop, foster, and maintain various types of meaningful relationships throughout your life and career.

  • Teamwork and collaboration

  • Networking and mentoring

  • Purposeful communication

Career Navigation

Knowledge of personal factors that influence career decision-making and ability to intentionally explore and develop your career.

  • Decision-making

  • Career exploration and planning

  • Understanding of values, interests, personality, and strengths

Professional Foundation

Knowledge and skills you need to effectively compete for internships, jobs, graduate school and other opportunities.

  • Resume, cover letter, and portfolio

  • Interviewing and professional branding

  • Opportunity search strategies

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