

Cal Poly Career Services has opportunities for you to strengthen your company branding, visibility and relationships with the Cal Poly community. We have enhanced partnership packages that will maximize your recruiting strategies with Cal Poly talent. Additionally, we are allotting a portion of funds to diversity and inclusion programs and services for underrepresented students.

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Annual Partnerships  $10,000 $5,000 $3,000 $2,500 $1,500
Early registration for preferred campus interviews dates
Complimentary information sessions (per year) ✓ unlimited
Direct targeted email blast
Employer Partnerships staff consulting – recruiting strategies
Complimentary parking spaces during campus interviews
Career Fairs          
Early registration and guaranteed access for all Career Fairs
Priority and guaranteed reservations for next day Career Fair interviews
Complimentary registration to Career Fairs (events per year) ✓ (3)  ✓ (2)  ✓ (1)  ✓ (1)  ✓ (1) 
Additional employer representatives allowed for each Career Fair
Premier table location at Career Fairs ✓ double table
Complimentary metered parking at Career Fairs        
Priority invitation to serve as panelist or industry expert
Personalized Career Services support (i.e. campus community referral)
Virtual Chats an online venue in which employers can connect with students      
Specialized event to target student candidates (per year)        
Customize Resume Book (limited to 1 per quarter upon request        
Annual presentation to the Career Services staff        
Market Instagram Story on Career Services Instagram account        
Branding & Visibility          
Recognition through Career Services lobby screens, social media outlets, website, MustangJobs, event marketing materials and publications
Event banner displayed at all major events to promote your company
Access to Career Fair Resume Book ✓ unlimited      
Branded give-a-ways (you supply, we distribute to students)      
Highlight jobs and internships on Career Services online platform        

Next Step:

Questions or contact us to become a sponsor:
Melinda McCann
| 805-756-2107 |
Soukita Thipsouvanh | 805-756-6094 |


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