MustangJobs Employer Login

Pre-screening options allow employers to choose the applicants whose skills and experience best align with job requirements. Our online schedule-building system will do the legwork for you by eliminating the time and effort involved in contacting candidates individually.

Virtual On-Campus Interviews are now available upon request in MustangJobs.

Questions? Please contact the Recruiting Team by emailing


  Types of Interview Schedules

Preselect to Alternate

Students who meet basic qualifications can apply. After the application deadline, you review candidates and select whom to interview, as well as alternates. Selected students then book interview slots on a first-come, first-served basis. If any selected students decline, alternates will fill the gaps. This schedule model is available for in-person or virtual Interviews.

*Advantages of the Preselect to Alternate schedule: Employers review resumes in advance to choose the best candidates, and MustangJobs handles the scheduling. Alternate candidates are able to fill in gaps on your schedule.


Students who meet the basic qualifications in your job description can apply. After the application deadline, you review candidates and select whom to interview, marking them in MustangJobs as Invited. Invited students then book interview slots on a first-come, first-served basis. This schedule model is available for in-person or virtual Interviews.

*Advantages of the Preselect schedule: Employers review resumes in advance to choose the best candidates, and MustangJobs handles the scheduling.


Students who meet the basic qualifications in your job description can sign up for interviews directly on your schedule, without prior review and selection. This schedule model is available for in-person or virtual interviews.

*Advantages of the Open schedule: Interview schedule can be created quickly and with minimal employer involvement. Perfect option for those who are interested in speaking with any students who match the job posting screening criteria.

Room Reservation Only

You may receive student resumes during career fairs, information sessions or by listing your positions on MustangJobs. Interview schedules are created manually by the employer, after contacting candidates directly. This schedule model is available for in-person or virtual Interviews.

   Interview Schedule Requests

To request an on-campus interview schedule, please follow these steps:

  • Log in to your MustangJobs account
  • Navigate to On-Campus Interviews (OCI)
  • Complete the interview schedule request form
  • Click on the green Submit button when complete

Next steps:

  • Our team will review your request and reserve your interview room
  • For Preselect, Preselect to Alternate, and Open interview schedules you will then attach the job postings you are recruiting for
  • For Room Reservation Only schedules you will submit the job postings as regular job postings (non-OCI). See our Posting a Job page for information about non-OCI job postings.

    Parking for OCI

Cal Poly parking is extremely limited, and we encourage all visitors to use Uber or Lyft to access campus if possible. Please note Career Services is no longer able to offer paid parking permits for visitors conducting on-campus interviews. If you plan to park on campus, please allow extra time to locate parking and travel from the parking structure to our building and be prepared to purchase a visitor parking permit for $10.00. If this is your first visit to campus or if it has been a while since you last visited, please review Cal Poly campus maps to familiarize yourself with campus. Additional parking information is available on the Transportation & Parking Services website.

Visitor Parking Structure

  • Please utilize the Visitor Parking Structure (Bldg. 131) located off Grand Ave. via Pacheco Way.
  • Visitor parking permits can be purchased for $10.00 at the pay station, or via ParkMobile ZONE 40100.
  • The pay station in Parking Structure 131 is located on Level 1 just outside the exit. Your vehicle license plate will be required to purchase a permit.
  • ADA parking is available free of charge for visitors with ADA license plates or placards, but a complimentary Cal Poly disabled parking pass is required on each visit. These complimentary passes are available at Transportation and Parking Services, Building 36.
  • Electric vehicle charging stations are available in Structure 131. Please view the EV page for more details about charging on campus.

  Cancelation Policy

Career Services requires employers who cancel interview dates after student interview sign-ups begin, or who fail to attend scheduled interviews, to contact candidates directly in order to provide notification of the cancelation. 

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