Career and Life Success Guide: Relationship Management

Relationship ManagementProfessional Foundation

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Relationship Management
Develop and maintain meaningful relationships throughout college and your career. 
How career-ready are you? Choose the Relationship Management level that best describes you. To progress through the levels, select the action steps that seem most appealing and useful to you. Complete as many as you’d like and consider repeating any that you found particularly helpful. Before you know it, you’ll stand out and be ready for your next career step.



I am aware of the importance of developing relationships that include people from diverse backgrounds and perspectives, but I don't know how to develop my network.


I can identify how specific relationships have helped me, but I don’t have a diverse professional network yet. I'm looking for help to develop my relationship-building and interpersonal skills so I can begin to build my network.


I have built some meaningful relationships, including those from diverse backgrounds. I understand that I need to spend time maintaining my professional network and investing in those relationships.


I understand that networking is based on mutually beneficial relationships and I actively support my network. Through these relationships I can gather information and make decisions that support my career and life goals.


"We value employees who understand that Relationship Management is the key to our company's success. Everyday your personal interactions with accounts, employees and customers will foster growth in our company, local businesses and the community." – Enterprise Rent a Car

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  Action Steps

  • Participate in extracurricular activities such as clubs, organizations and volunteering to develop relationships.
  • Expand your professional network and improve your social skills by attending career events, such as career fairs, networking sessions, alumni or employer panels, employer treks, Student + Alumni Mixers.
  • Meet with your career counselor to discuss your goals and interests, and learn how to effectively network to help you reach your goals.
  • Create an account in Cal Poly Career Connections (can also be accessed through your Cal Poly portal). This online platform connects students with alumni for mentoring and networking. Use Cal Poly Career Connections to reach out to alumni for career-related advice.
  • Attend a LinkedIn workshop, create your profile, and begin to build and grow your network.
  • Conduct an informational interview or job shadow to expand your network in a field that interests you.
  • To maintain and grow relationships, regularly keep in touch with your connections. You can ask a question or share updates, relevant articles, or information.

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